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Kevin Schroeder's Blog:
ZendCon 2011 Uncon
Oct 18, 2011 @ 17:51:03

Kevin Schroeder has a reminder for those attending ZendCon this week - don't forget about the unconference and bring those topics you may have not gotten officially accepted to the conference and present them!

If you were looking at the UnCon at ZendCon and wondering what, if anything, you should do, let me give you a couple of hints. The UnCon is the place where people who either did not submit a talk or did not get their talk accepted can sign up for a time to speak and talk on the topic of their choice. [...] It's also a chance for you to get a little practice if you have not spoken before and would like to see what it is like. We recommend that you have either slides, examples or both. It's not "required" that you do, but it definitely helps and it shows that you are treating it seriously.

There are times for full talks (the usual hour-ish slot) or an opportunity for lightening talks (20 minutes long and packed with content) with the possibility of a prize. The session with the highest ratings on the unconference event on Joind.in could win free tickets to other conferences or a copy of the official ZF programming guide. Kevin also suggests a few topics you could speak on that aren't represented in the official session list.

tagged: zendcon11 unconference lighteningtalk session speak community


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