Ben Ramsey, looking for a way to more efficiently manage his list of sites he reads (the OPML list), has discovered a way to get around the 30 item limit that the restricts a user to (thus only 30 items on the OPML list) through the use of the site's own API.
I investigated a way to get around the 30-feed limitation in, and I found that their API allows you to do just this, albeit with a few restrictions of its own, which I'll explain in a few moments. Using the API, instead of their RSS feeds, I was able to use the following code to first check whether my account has been updated since I last cached their data, and, if so, to grab all of the links for a particular tag and cache the data to a file for later use:
The code is simple and uses the SimpleXML PHP functionality to grab all of the items tagged with "blogroll" and parse through them, echoing them back out as simple links (to a "blogroll" section on a site). He has the script firing nightly, regenerating the OPML file each time, making it simple to automatically keep his list up-to-date while only having to update in one place.