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Oracle Technology Network:
Persisting PHP5 Objects in Oracle
Dec 12, 2005 @ 20:53:00

On the Orcale Technology Network's site today, there's this look at working with Oracle to make PHP5 objects persistent.

Many developers have been won over by the elegance and efficiency of PHP5's implementation of object-orientation, and are equally drawn to the power and robustness of the world's foremost database, Oracle. However, taking the next logical step—storing PHP objects in your database for Web application development—can be intimidating.

In this HowTo, you will learn how to store and retrieve PHP5 objects as objects in an Oracle Database via an object persistence layer (available in the OracleDatabaseObject package download). This technique allows any Oracle developer to take the final step toward full object-orientation in their Web applications—and hence toward a renewed focus on application logic, rather than messy SQL and coding.

They discuss what the Object Persistence Layer is and how it works - including what PHP vars correspond to what column types in Oracle. From there, they get into the heart of the matter - adding persistence to a class, how to set them up and how to use (load) them...

tagged: oracle persisting object PHP5 oracle persisting object PHP5


Oracle Technology Network:
Persisting PHP5 Objects in Oracle
Dec 12, 2005 @ 20:53:00

On the Orcale Technology Network's site today, there's this look at working with Oracle to make PHP5 objects persistent.

Many developers have been won over by the elegance and efficiency of PHP5's implementation of object-orientation, and are equally drawn to the power and robustness of the world's foremost database, Oracle. However, taking the next logical step—storing PHP objects in your database for Web application development—can be intimidating.

In this HowTo, you will learn how to store and retrieve PHP5 objects as objects in an Oracle Database via an object persistence layer (available in the OracleDatabaseObject package download). This technique allows any Oracle developer to take the final step toward full object-orientation in their Web applications—and hence toward a renewed focus on application logic, rather than messy SQL and coding.

They discuss what the Object Persistence Layer is and how it works - including what PHP vars correspond to what column types in Oracle. From there, they get into the heart of the matter - adding persistence to a class, how to set them up and how to use (load) them...

tagged: oracle persisting object PHP5 oracle persisting object PHP5


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