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CloudWays Blog:
Josh Lockhart Discusses Slim Framework And Photography
Jul 29, 2016 @ 17:30:58

The Cloudways blog has posted their latest interview with a member of the PHP community that has made major contributions. This time they talk with Josh Lockhart, the creator of the popular Slim framework and contributor to the PHP: The Right Way guide.

Josh Lockhart is the creator of Slim Micro Framework for PHP, a well known framework for writing powerful API and web apps. He is also managing PHP The Right Way, a project that provides best practices and quality information about PHP in one place. He works as a senior web developer and special project director at New Media Campaigns.

In this interview Josh talks about his experience with PHP. He also describes how he came up with the Slim Framework and offers great advice to PHP newbies.

In the interview Josh answers questions about:

  • his own history and experience in PHP development
  • how he sees PHP has progressed over the years (and where it's heading)
  • why he created the Slim framework and what makes it different
  • the tools/software he uses to do his work

He also shares some recommendations to beginners with the language and suggests some software for those looking at things like content management systems. The interview finishes up with Josh sharing some about his own passion for photography and his own work environment.

tagged: joshlockhart slim slimframework photography interview community

Link: http://www.cloudways.com/blog/josh-lockhart-interview/

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