Lukas Smith has formally kicked off a restart of the PDO (PHP Data Objects) abstraction layer, trying to get interest back into this part of the PHP project and get developers back into patching and creating more features on it as a whole.
The problem with PDO's current state is that there are just so many bugs open that it seems like a maintain. Plus the original creator(s) are busy with other things, which means the learning curve is steep. Which makes it all the more important that we both have new guys as well as experienced core developers on this. I think for too long we have waited for RDBMS vendors to bring in the momentum. However since we decided to not play according to the "rules" they have proposed, its obviously our job and not theirs.
He asks that all that are interested in closing out those bugs and really getting the development of PDO back on track sign up for the mailing list and check out the brainstorming page on the PHP wiki on general ideas and thoughts on where the project should be headed.