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Cal Evans:
Signaling PHP
Oct 28, 2013 @ 14:21:42

Cal Evans has a new post to his site today about a book he's published covering a topic not really focused on in the PHP world - command-line usage. The book, "Signaling PHP" covers the use of the process control extension to handle command-line signals.

Most of the PHP I write these days is CLI scripts. I really wanted to be able to trap signals in some of my scripts. I struggled with this for a while; I even spent an entire weekend googling and reading only to find out that most of the information out there was either wrong, confusing, or incomplete. I decided that once I figured it out, I was going to put everything I learned together in one place to help others that were struggling with this topic as well.

The eBook is available for purchase and download now at a suggested price of only $5 USD. If you've been looking for a quick, concise guide to using process control in PHP, you should check it out.

tagged: signaling ebook calevans cli commandline

Link: http://blog.calevans.com/2013/10/27/signaling-php/

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