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Adam Jensen's Blog:
Spades and the Strategy Pattern
Mar 12, 2009 @ 18:44:01

Adam Jensen has submitted a new post he's written up about the idea he had for a spades game written in PHP. There's no fancy graphics or computer AI but there is a good example of using the Strategy Pattern between the players and interfaces in this CLI script.

Here’s the project (and I deliberately didn’t check to see if anyone’s done this before): write a command-line PHP script that runs any number of automated spades games, involving a variety of players utilizing different play algorithms.

The Strategy Pattern comes in with the players - each influences how the player will bid and what cards it will choose to play. He gives the code for these two interfaces - Spades_Player_Interface and Spades_Strategy_Interface. He also sets up a randomizing class and several of the other "structure" classes (Spades_Play, Spades_Card, etc).

This post is just the start of the project. If there's enough interest, Adam will release the source for the project including some of the other strategies he's considering.

tagged: spades strategy pattern interface designpattern player


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