On the Ibuildings techPortal today they've posted the latest episode in their DPCRadio series (as recorded at last year's Dutch PHP Conference) - Stephan Hochdoerfer's talk Real World Dependency Injection.
The Dependency Injection (DI) pattern is getting more and more attention in the PHP world due to it’s code simplification effects. It focuses on the complete separation of object instantiation and dependency tracking from the business logic resulting in a loosely coupled system. In addition to that the resulting code is a lot easier to test since the classes are no longer responsible for instantiating their own dependencies. This session will introduce the basics of the DI pattern to the audience in addition to share real world experience of DI in several customer projects in the last four years.
You can listen to this latest episode either via the in-page player or by downloading the mp3. You can also follow along with Stephen's slides.