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International PHP Magazine:
Poll Question: Which is Truest?
Sep 13, 2006 @ 19:49:38

The International PHP Magazine has published the results of this past week's poll that asked "Which is truest?" (or "which of the options given about PHP is the most correct).

The International PHP Magazine conducted a poll over the week, asking for your opinion regarding the truest statement. The poll results with the respective percentages are as shown in the screen cast.

Of the options given, only one stood out above the rest - "PHP is Easy to Learn" - definitely a true statement. As far as the rest, they were close, but "PHP code gets embedded in HTML pages" came in second.

Be sure to check out the new poll question for the week - "You Did Not Know That..." (selecting which of the little known facts about PHP you didn't know).

tagged: poll question truest statement easy learn embedded poll question truest statement easy learn embedded


International PHP Magazine:
Poll Question: Which is Truest?
Sep 13, 2006 @ 19:49:38

The International PHP Magazine has published the results of this past week's poll that asked "Which is truest?" (or "which of the options given about PHP is the most correct).

The International PHP Magazine conducted a poll over the week, asking for your opinion regarding the truest statement. The poll results with the respective percentages are as shown in the screen cast.

Of the options given, only one stood out above the rest - "PHP is Easy to Learn" - definitely a true statement. As far as the rest, they were close, but "PHP code gets embedded in HTML pages" came in second.

Be sure to check out the new poll question for the week - "You Did Not Know That..." (selecting which of the little known facts about PHP you didn't know).

tagged: poll question truest statement easy learn embedded poll question truest statement easy learn embedded


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