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Ben Ramsey's Blog:
ZendCon Day 1 Roundup and Keynote Thoughts
Oct 31, 2006 @ 23:35:20

Ben Ramsey has posted his own wrapup of the first day of the Zend/PHP Conference & Expo and some of his thoughts on the keynote talk given by Andi, Zeev, et al.

The first day of the Zend/PHP Conference and Expo (the day of tutorials) was great. I sat in on Robert Richards’s Advanced XML and Web Services and Marcus’s and Sara’s Extending PHP tutorials. I multi-tasked as best I could, catching up on some work while finishing my slides and listening to the presentations.

He comments on the talks he's attended (like Robert Richards' XML/Web services talk and the contents of the keynote - including the announcements of the collaborations with Microsoft, IBM, and the new advancements that Zend has made with their products.

tagged: zendcon22006 roundup keynote thoughts zendcon22006 roundup keynote thoughts


Ben Ramsey's Blog:
ZendCon Day 1 Roundup and Keynote Thoughts
Oct 31, 2006 @ 23:35:20

Ben Ramsey has posted his own wrapup of the first day of the Zend/PHP Conference & Expo and some of his thoughts on the keynote talk given by Andi, Zeev, et al.

The first day of the Zend/PHP Conference and Expo (the day of tutorials) was great. I sat in on Robert Richards’s Advanced XML and Web Services and Marcus’s and Sara’s Extending PHP tutorials. I multi-tasked as best I could, catching up on some work while finishing my slides and listening to the presentations.

He comments on the talks he's attended (like Robert Richards' XML/Web services talk and the contents of the keynote - including the announcements of the collaborations with Microsoft, IBM, and the new advancements that Zend has made with their products.

tagged: zendcon22006 roundup keynote thoughts zendcon22006 roundup keynote thoughts


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