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Andi Gutmans' Blog:
Launched andigutmans.com
May 05, 2008 @ 17:01:26

Andi Gutmans of Zend has posted about the next step in his personal growth on the internet - a personal site/blog of his own over at andigutmans.com.

For years I've wanted to run a personal Web site but never found the time to do it. A couple of weeks ago a few Zenders and I started leasing a dedicated server which gave us each a bit more hosting flexibility. Once we got the machine up and running I decided it was finally time to actually launch my own personal Web site.

He lists the technologies he's using including the Zend Framework, the Zend_Gdata component and the Zend_Cache (for local caching of his blog feeds from Blogger).

tagged: andigutmans blog personal website zendframework gdata cache twitter


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