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WebHostingHero Blog:
A Look at the Original PHP Developers
Jul 28, 2010 @ 14:44:23

On the WebHostingHero blog today there's a new post going back to the roots of the PHP language and some of the original contributors like Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans.

When PHP began in 1995, it represented a fork on common object oriented programming languages. Designed to help provide scripting for the web, the language took on a life of its own as it became one of the primary web development standards. Today, PHP is used by millions worldwide and powers a majority of sites.

They talk about how some of the original developers are active in helping to better the languages (directly and indirectly) and how the advocacy of the community has helped it grow even stronger over the years. There's also mini-spotlights on each of the three mentioned above.

tagged: original developers community rasmuslerdorf zeevsuraski andigutmans


PHP Remains Strong Despite Security Flaws
Jun 04, 2010 @ 17:48:20

On Developer.com today there's a new article (from Sean Michael Kerner) that talks about the Month of PHP Security effort that's been going on and how, despite over 60 issues being reported, PHP remains strong.

Over the course of May, the PHP community was hit with a barrage of more than 60 security issues. The security assault was all part of the Month of PHP Security (MOPS) effort, which disclosed the flaws. But even after so many identified security issues in MOPS, PHP experts argue that the language is not necessarily insecure.

There's several quotes from Andi Gutmans (of Zend) with his thoughts on the bugs that were reported and how important he sees them as being (hint: nothing zero-day) and how developers are still, ultimately, the ones responsible for the security of their applications.

tagged: security flaw monthofphpsecurity mops andigutmans


Marcus Borger's Blog:
PHP, Help from Companies & Licenses
Mar 11, 2009 @ 17:57:34

In this new post to his blog, Marcus Borger looks a companies and their relationship to the PHP project - more specifically Zend and their close ties with PHP and its source.

Why can Zend not simply change the license of the Zend Engine to PHP License? Why do we want this? Because it creates issues with using PHP. And we do not even inform people about it, because we are silent about this fact. So is there a reason why this has not happened already long ago?

He points out the two different sides to consider - how they (Zend and their employees) have contributed to the language and its development and what the license says about ownership of the main engine. Andi Gutmans (of Zend) has made a comment on the post about why the licensing is set up how it is and how it relates to the TSRM library.

tagged: company zend license bsd andigutmans tsrm


Andi Gutmans' Blog:
Zend Server is here! (almost)
Feb 20, 2009 @ 21:17:44

Andi Gutmans has posted some of his own thoughts about the recent Zend Server beta release over on his Blogspot blog:

As I alluded in my New Year’s post we’ve been very busy working on a new product line which today we are unveiling as Zend Server. Zend Server is not a Zend Core or Zend Platform derivative (although it uses a small amount of those components, mostly enhanced) rather it’s a new approach on how we want to develop, distribute, and service our production products.

He talks about some of Zend's reasoning behind the project such as the need they saw in the community for a good, easy to install full web stack that can be relied on to provide solid, dependable performance. The entire setup is free of dependencies making it idea for a "drop in" kind of package for those needing an environment on Windows, Linux or Mac OS X.

You can find out more information about this new Zend offering on this page on the Zend website.

tagged: zendserver zend andigutmans information introduction


Andi Gutmans Named Chief Executive Officer, Mark Burton Named Executive Chairman
Feb 03, 2009 @ 20:34:54

Zend posted an official press release earlier today about some shifting happening in their senior management. Two individuals, Andi Gutmans and Mark Burton, have taken on new roles with the company.

Zend Technologies, the PHP Company, today announced that it has appointed Andi Gutmans, Zend co-founder, as its chief executive officer. Gutmans was most recently senior vice president for R&D and alliances at Zend, as well as chief technical officer. It also named Mark Burton, formerly executive vice president of worldwide sales at MySQL, as executive chairman. Harold Goldberg, who held the position of CEO at Zend Technologies during the past two years, will leave to pursue other opportunities.

The press release includes comments on both individuals. The PHP community is supportve of the changes too. Congratulations to Andi and Mark for their appointments to these new positions!

tagged: zend andigutmans markburton ceo executive chairman cofounder management


Community News:
Andi Gutmans Responds to Zend Acquisition Rumors
May 21, 2008 @ 20:24:56

As mentioned by Ivo Jansch, Andi Gutmans (of Zend) responded to the recent speculation about a buyout of the company in his keynote address at this year's php|tek conference:

Andi explained the reason: they want to become cashflow positive, in order to remain independent. The news should be interpreted in a positive way, the future now looks bright, Zend products will not be affected and life goes on. An acquisition of Zend is not happening in the near future.

TechCrunch had suggested that the recent large amounts of layoffs could have been in an effort to ready the company for a buy out from one of many proposed major players.

tagged: zend andigutmans phptek2008 acquisition rumor cashflow positive


Andi Gutmans' Blog:
Launched andigutmans.com
May 05, 2008 @ 17:01:26

Andi Gutmans of Zend has posted about the next step in his personal growth on the internet - a personal site/blog of his own over at andigutmans.com.

For years I've wanted to run a personal Web site but never found the time to do it. A couple of weeks ago a few Zenders and I started leasing a dedicated server which gave us each a bit more hosting flexibility. Once we got the machine up and running I decided it was finally time to actually launch my own personal Web site.

He lists the technologies he's using including the Zend Framework, the Zend_Gdata component and the Zend_Cache (for local caching of his blog feeds from Blogger).

tagged: andigutmans blog personal website zendframework gdata cache twitter


Andi Gutmans to keynote at php|tek
Mar 26, 2008 @ 14:34:09

As announce on the C7Y website today, Andi Gutmans will be presenting a keynote speech at this year's php|tek 2008 conference.

We're happy to announce that Andi Gutmans, co-founder of Zend and an active member of the PHP development group, will officially kick off our upcoming php|tek 2008 Conference, which will take place in Chicago, IL, between May 20th and May 23rd, 2008.

His talk will be titled PHP State of the Union: Eco-System and Technology and will take a look at the ever-changing state of the PHP community and a look ahead to possible future developments.

tagged: phptek2008 andigutmans speech ecosystem technology community


Community News:
Andi Gutmans to Present at AjaxWorld 2007
Aug 31, 2007 @ 14:31:00

The speaker list for this year's AjaxWorld Conference & Expo has been announced and one of Zend's own, Andi Gutmans is on the list:

more than a dozen high-caliber speakers lined up by SYS-CON Events to speak in the "RIAs in Action" track at AJAXWorld Conference & Expo 2007 West taking place next month at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA – one of just ten simultaneous content-rich tracks at biggest version yet of the world's leading AJAX, Rich Internet Applications & Web 2.0 event.

Andi will be giving a talk with Bradford Cottel covering the creation of rich internet applications with the Zend Framework as a backend. They'll introduce the language and how the framework makes it simple to create a rich application, including a demo app.

tagged: andigutmans zendframework ajaxworld2007 bradfordcottel andigutmans zendframework ajaxworld2007 bradfordcottel


Community News:
Andi Gutmans to Present at AjaxWorld 2007
Aug 31, 2007 @ 14:31:00

The speaker list for this year's AjaxWorld Conference & Expo has been announced and one of Zend's own, Andi Gutmans is on the list:

more than a dozen high-caliber speakers lined up by SYS-CON Events to speak in the "RIAs in Action" track at AJAXWorld Conference & Expo 2007 West taking place next month at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA – one of just ten simultaneous content-rich tracks at biggest version yet of the world's leading AJAX, Rich Internet Applications & Web 2.0 event.

Andi will be giving a talk with Bradford Cottel covering the creation of rich internet applications with the Zend Framework as a backend. They'll introduce the language and how the framework makes it simple to create a rich application, including a demo app.

tagged: andigutmans zendframework ajaxworld2007 bradfordcottel andigutmans zendframework ajaxworld2007 bradfordcottel


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