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Community News:
Webinar Today for Zend Framework/Dojo Partnership
May 27, 2008 @ 12:32:53

Zend will be hosting a webinar this morning for all those interesting in hearing about the new partnership between them and the Dojo framework to bring fully-developed javascript functionality to the Zend Framework.

Zend is excited to announce a partnership between Dojo and Zend Framework. The goal is to deliver a one-stop solution for building rich internet applications with PHP & Ajax. Zend’s co-founder and chief technical officer Andi Gutmans discusses this announcement in-depth on his blog and Zend architect Matthew Weier O’Phinney also provides code samples and more details in a separate post.

The webinar will provide an overview of the integration that's going to happen and a bit of Q&A from those listening in. The event will be happening at 9am PDT/4pm GMT and you'll need to register to save your spot and get in.

tagged: zend zendframework dojo partnership webinar javascript


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