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Padraic Brady's Blog:
A Domain Specific Language for Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) in PHP
Jul 21, 2008 @ 16:13:35

Padraic Brady has posted about a part of his PHPSpec library, the domain specific language.

PHPSpec implements a domain specific language (DSL) in PHP for specifying the behaviour of functional units such as methods and objects. The purpose of a DSL was to move away from the xUnit style declaration of tests towards a specification language centred on describing behaviour.

He illustrates with a bowling example - described with a sample class (with a itShouldScore0ForGutterGame test) and how to use it to fit his proposal:

My proposal therefore is to re-implement the current programming language DSL as a specification language - i.e. a new (extremely limited and narrow!) language capable of being parsed by PHPSpec into its PHP equivalent. [...] Using a specification DSL, we can simply ignore the existence of classes in PHP (well, the pretense is nice). Instead the DSL would incorporate a syntax for denoting shared behaviours.
tagged: behaviour driven development phpspec domain specific language


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