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Brandon Savage's Blog:
Bug-Free: Your Bug-Fixing Toolkit (Part 1 of N)
Oct 16, 2008 @ 15:29:57

Brandon Savage has the first part of a series posted (with N parts) showing off some of the tools that PHP already has built in to make your debugging life easier.

PHP has a large number of tools for fixing bugs and resolving underlying issues. But many people don't know what they are, and some of them are extensions requiring installation in order to work. In this series, we'll explore some features for debugging PHP scripts, from the most basic to more advanced.

He looks at three of the most basic ones (and ones that most developers I know out there use every day) - var_dump, print_r and var_export. Examples of each in use are included...

tagged: debug tool included vardump printr varexport tutorial


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