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Create a Photo Admin Site Using PHP and jQuery
Oct 30, 2008 @ 13:46:30

The NETTUTS.com site has another tutorial showing how to combine a powerful language, PHP, and an equally powerful Javascript library, jQuery, to create a simple photo admin site - part one of a series.

I'm pleased to present you with part one of a two part series on creating a photo site using PHP, jQuery, and AJAX. Originally, I intended to fit the entire tutorial into one screencast, but that quickly became a pipe dream as I realized that there was simply too much to cover. Nevertheless, even if you only watch this first video, you should learn a great deal.

In this first part of the series he'll walk you through creating a simple login form to authenticate the user, grab images from the database and show how to keep the database updated. There's a screencast along with the code/html for the tutorial as well as a source download if you just want to skip straight to the good stuff.

tagged: photo admin tutorial jquery gallery


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