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Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP
Nov 11, 2008 @ 20:18:35

NETTUTS.com has a new tutorial posted today showing how to combine some simple PHP scripts with the MooTools Javascript library to emulate the popular social site Twitter.

People all over the world love Twitter because of how easy it is to use. All you need to do is type in your current status, click "Update", and you're done. What most people probably don't know is how simple it is to emulate Twitter's functionality. Using PHP, MySQL, and MooTools javascript, you can implement a Twitter-like status system in no time.

Their mini-application (download the source here) creates a basic input box and a list of messages below. The MooTools library is used to send the message back to the PHP script and update the messages list with the latest from the current user. Complete code and screenshots of examples are included.

tagged: mootools tutorial twitter emulate source javascript library


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