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Till's Blog:
ZendFramework (performance) II
Dec 01, 2008 @ 18:08:49

On his blog, till has posted the second part of his testing on the Zend Framework and its performance in general usage tasks.

A disclaimer which I should have added to my last article would include that most of my pseudo benchmarks are very subjective and also way too basic. For example, our server setup is pretty comprehensive but we have to take everything into account in order to provide real benchmark. And when I write everything I mean CPU (cores), RAM, motherboard, HDD and so on. Maybe even the throughput of the network card -- if it's different.

This second post is an attempt to correct some of the sore points from the previous one. Here's a list:

  • require/include(_once) and __autoload, or "Why is __autoload() 'better'?"
  • Zend_Loader ERRATA
  • Caching database results
  • Zend_Db
  • Zend Framework (what it currently lacks)
tagged: zendframework performance correction autoload zendloader zenddb


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