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Using the Xdebug Extension's xdebug_call_function() Function
Feb 09, 2009 @ 18:56:18

This new tutorial from DevShed takes a look at the XDebug debugging tool for PHP and how the xdebug_call_function method allows for even more flexibility in your testing experience.

The Xdebug extension comes equipped with many other functions, however, that allow you to debug PHP applications more deeply. Therefore, in this second article of the series, I'll be discussing how to use another useful function included with the extension, called "xdebug_call_function()," which as its name suggests, can be utilized for keeping track of the functions called by a PHP script.

They start with a look back at two of the other xdebug functions - xdebug_call_file and xdebug_call_line - before showing how to use this new function (xdebug_call_function) to get the function that called your custom handler.

tagged: xdebug call function file line debugger extension


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