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Kamran Usman's Blog:
Zend is going the Wrong Way I think
Feb 25, 2009 @ 18:57:22

Kamran Usman has posted some of his opinions about Zend - more specifically how he thinks they're headed in the wrong direction, moving away from the spirit of the PHP language.

Zend, the so called PHP Company is heading towards an unfriendly, commercial direction which I don't like. I mean, PHP was supposed to be an open source project, I see more focus from Zend on marketing and selling their commercial development tools, certifications and training kits, and less towards creating a free ecosystem that helps in making PHP a more accessible platform for everyone.

As a specific example, me mentions the recent Zend Server release and how they even contradict themselves in their own documentation. He mentions Zend Studio (Eclipse and bloated) and the Zend Framework (sloppy docs and slow) as further examples of things that Zend has either messed up or has not spent enough time on to make a quality product.

tagged: zend direction marketing zendserver zendstudio zendframework opinion


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