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Quinton Parker's Blog:
session-clustering with memcache
Mar 03, 2009 @ 15:31:58

Quinton Parker's latest blog post looks at a handy feature of the memcache tool - session clustering - and how to set it up in your application.

You need php session-clustering and you need it done yesterday. The project is at risk. The suits are breathing down your neck and monitoring your every tweet. Memcache to the rescue.

He show how to get it started up (you'll need to already have it installed) and where to grab the PHP extension you'll need to connect the two. Finally he gets to the actual clustering, changing the session.save_handler setting to "memcache" and several of the memcache-specific php.ini settings for his example setup. A snippet of code is also included so you can see how it all works together.

tagged: memcache session clustering tutorial phpini session handler


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