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Building a time-tracking and billing application with Adobe AIR and PHP
Mar 19, 2009 @ 12:58:59

On PHPBuilder.com today there's a new tutorial by Richard Bates that will walk you through the creation of a simple time tracking application that combines the Adobe Air and PHP technologies to make a simple desktop client.

The scenario calls for a lightweight, cross-platform desktop application that does its job and stays out of the users' way. It also needs a powerful management interface that can be accessed from anywhere. To address both needs, you first create a desktop application for AIR that leverages PHP back-end services for persistent storage and extra horsepower. Then, you create a simple and quick PHP/Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) browser-based interface for management and output applications.

The Air client is really just a frontend to the PHP backend located on the server (so there's no need to install PHP locally too). The system is based around a few objects - the Client, a Project, a time-tracking Ticket and an Invoice for the time spent. To make things simpler, he uses an instance of the Zend Framework to do most of the heavy lifting on the backend.

The rest of this article sets up the backend scripts - creating the service interface and making some of the initial methods (like getClients and logIn). The next part in the series will get into the actual Air application.

tagged: air adobe desktop time track application tutorial


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