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Fabien Potencier's Blog:
Pimple, the small dependency injection container for PHP 5.3
Jun 16, 2009 @ 14:35:54

Fabien Potencier has blogged about a tool he's created, a small dependency injection container for PHP 5.3 he mentioned previously - Pimple.

Some people emailed me about a blog post I wrote some time ago about a dependency injection container done in PHP 5.3. I have published on Github the small version of it (Twittee), but not the "working" version.

So, he's updated the Pimple source on Github with the latest and greatest for you to grab and use as you see fit. Remember, it does require PHP 5.3 (currently not released), so you couldn't (shouldn't!) use it in production yet.

tagged: pimple container injection dependency


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