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Enterprise PHP Magazine:
How Many Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby Developers Are There?
Jun 22, 2009 @ 12:57:54

The Enterprise PHP Magazine has pointed out some facts (slightly skewed, it seems) about the availability of a few different types of programmers, PHP included, according to several search engines.

I updated the estimation so we can have most accurate results. The table below illustrates the results found, I have just truncated Bing results to 1M to have more readable chart, after all I don't believe there are 50M resumes indexed by Microsoft - and that's another topic.

The results show about 780,000 PHP-related resumes on Google, 541,000 on Yahoo and the (obviously incorrect) 59,700,000 from Bing.com. There are a lot of PHP developers out there, but I can't imagine quite that many. Either way, even the numbers from the other search engines come in over the counts of the other three languages.

tagged: engine search developer ruby python perl


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