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Working Out of the Object Context to Build Loader Apps in PHP
Jun 26, 2009 @ 12:56:54

New on DevShed there's the latest part of a series of tutorials they've written up (fifth of eight) about building automatic loading functionality into your applications. This time they change up their class to make the their loading function accessible outside of a class object.

To avoid an eventual (and unnecessary) instantiation of the loader class, it would be helpful to declare the mentioned "load()" method static. Thus, bearing in mind this important concept, in this fifth part of the series I'm going to enhance the signature of the "Loader" class created previously by turning its loading method into a static one.

They change the definition of the function to be "public static" making it callable both through the "self" keyword and outside the class with the "::" operator.

tagged: static tutorial application loader


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