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Paul Jones' Blog:
Scalable Internet Architecture
Jun 26, 2009 @ 17:05:04

In this new post to his blog Paul Jones points out a set of slides from a coworker of his (Theo Schlossnagle) based around his book "Scalable Internet Architectures".

This is not strictly PHP, but it is about scalability, and every PHP programmer *ought* to be thinking about this stuff. Theo Schlossnagle of OmniTI (where I work as a web architect) has this slide deck posted about Scalable Internet Architectures.

Paul points out some highlights of the slides:

  • Slide 7: "Lack of awareness of the other disciplines is bad."
  • Slide 29: Know the difference between "premature optimization" and "necessary optimization".
  • Slide 59: "Scaling is hard, performance is easier. Extremely high-performance systems tend to be easier to scale, because they don't have to SCALE as much."
  • Slide 63: Combine this with slide 59, and you have the reason why you need to know your application responsiveness.
tagged: theoschlossnagle presentation architecture internet scalable


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