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Laravel News:
PHP in 2018
Jun 05, 2018 @ 14:31:26

On the Laravel News site, they have a post sharing a video from a presentation by Rasmus Lerdorf (creator of PHP) looking forward at PHP in 2018.

PHP in 2018 is a talk by PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf, which focuses on new features in PHP 7.2 and 7.3. We have some exciting low-level performance wins coming to PHP 7.3, which should be out late 2018. It’s highly encouraging that PHP’s focus is mainly on performance in the PHP 7.x releases.

For many in the PHP community, 2016 and 2017 was all about getting onto PHP 7. The drastic performance improvements and overall efficiency have resulted in PHP 7 adoption rates well beyond past PHP versions. If you are not on PHP 7 yet, you will learn why you should be, but the talk will focus more on new features in PHP 7.2 and 7.3 along with optimization and static analysis.

In the post, they give a brief summary of the talk and one of their favorite parts ("crappy code runs really really well"). The video of the talk is embedded in the page but you can also watch it on YouTube directly. The slides are here.

tagged: rasmuslerdorf presentation slides video 2018 language

Link: https://laravel-news.com/php-in-2018

Juozas Kaziukenas:
From PHP to Machine Code
Mar 28, 2016 @ 14:41:29

In his latest post Juozas Kaziukenas shares a video of his "From PHP to Machine Code" talk he presented at the PHP UK Conference earlier this year (2016).

I recently gave a talk at a few conferences titled “From PHP to Machine Code”. It explains how compilers and interpreters work in general, where are the performance gains to be found and how I applied all of that to build PyHP. PyHP is a little toy project which showcases the basics of taking source code of a programming language and executing it.

As I mention a few times in the talk, it is completely and utterly useless for practical use, but it’s one of the fundamental skill-sets for any programmer. I think knowing how a bunch of text makes a computer do things at the low level is required knowledge for everyone.

The video of the presentation is embedded in the post or you can watch it directly over on YouTube if you'd like. In it he walks you through the entire process that happens from the time the PHP is executed all the way down to opcodes and bytecodes.

tagged: video presentation phpuk16 conference bytecode compiler machine code execution

Link: https://juokaz.com/blog/from-php-to-machine-code.html

Chris Hartjes:
Jan 29, 2016 @ 17:53:30

Chris Hartjes has a post on his site sharing a video from a presentation he gave about "metatesting" to a local PHP user group:

Yesterday I gave a short talk at GPUG about a topic I've dubbed "metatesting". Borrowing the phrase from a children's card game I wanted to talk about the state of testing and associated tools.

You can watch the presentation through the in-page video player including both the slides and Chris' presentation of them. In it he talks about mature testing tools (and extending them rather than creating new ones), open source projects and their tests or lack thereof, how testing reduces the cost of bugfixing and much more. Check out the full presentation for some great tips and updates on where software (and PHP) testing is today.

tagged: metatesting video presentation slides gpug usergroup

Link: https://littlehart.net/atthekeyboard/2016/01/28/metatesting/

Clean Architecture
Dec 23, 2014 @ 16:37:28

In an article on Thedo.fr Tristan Roussel introduces you to some of the concepts behind Clean Architecture based on a talk he recently attended at a local Symfony user group.

One particular talk retained my attention and I want to tell you about it. Let me warn you first, this is just an introduction, and I’m not going into much detail, don’t hesitate to post comments if you feel something is not clear, or deserves a better exposure! [...] So. What is Clean Architecture? It’s so fresh that it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia article.

He starts off with what the idea of Clean Architecture is trying to accomplish and where some of the ideas have evolved from. He includes some of the objectives and guiding principles as well as a diagram of how this architecture might be laid out. He gets into an actual use case for this type of structure and where abstract entities, controllers and presenters fit into the picture. He links to some of the code as provided as part of the presentation and some of the things to consider when trying it out for your application.

tagged: clean architecture introduction presentation principles objectives usecase

Link: http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2014/12/sfpot-paris-2014-12-12-pepiniere-27/

Goodbye LAMP Stack?
Aug 05, 2014 @ 15:52:11

The PHP.cc has a new post today sharing a video from their own Arne Blankerts that wonders if it's time to say goodbye to the LAMP stack.

The LAMP stack has been the tried and true backbone of the web for almost two decades. Lately though, more and more websites replace Apache HTTPD with nginx and move from just (My)SQL to No(t only)SQL. [...] In my "Goodbye LAMP Stack?" presentation at this year's International PHP Conference – Spring Edition, I gave a hands-on introduction to HHVM, the powerful new runtime for the PHP language, and showed how to get PHP applications to run on it.

The video is embedded in the page but it's a little difficult to read some of the slides so you can always head over to YouTube for a larger version. If you're just interested in the slides, you can find them here.

tagged: intlphpcon14 presentation video lamp stack technology

Link: http://thephp.cc/viewpoints/blog/2014/08/goodbye-lamp-stack

Refactoring Legacy Code: Part 7 - Identifying the Presentation Layer
Jul 03, 2014 @ 17:57:39

NetTuts.com has posted part seven in their "Refactoring Legacy Code" series today, continuing on with the refactor of their example application to improve maintainability and testability. In this latest article they focus in on the presentation layer.

In this seventh chapter of our refactoring tutorials, we will do a different type of refactoring. We observed in the past lessons that there is presentation related code scattered all over our legacy code. We will try to identify all the presentation related code that we can and we will then take the necessary steps to separate it from business logic.

The tutorial starts with a look at the Single Responsibility Principle (part of the SOLID design principles) and how it relates to the idea of clean architecture. They continue down the path of separating out the business logic and isolating it from the presentation layer (the display* handling). They create an "Extract" class that combines the logic and presentation though combination functionality. They walk you through the code, showing the changes you'll need to make and the tests to match.

tagged: refactor legacy code series part7 presentation layer isolating

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/refactoring-legacy-code-part-7-identifying-the-presentation-layer--cms-21593

Why You Should Stop Stalling and Start Presenting
Jun 13, 2014 @ 16:47:01

In her latest post Snipe does her best to motivate those out there that have thought about speaking or presenting at a technology conference but are "stalling" and finding excuses not to. The post pulls from some of her own past experiences as a speaker in various communities, PHP and otherwise.

My last post generated a bit of buzz when it was posted to HackerNews recently, so I figured I’d take this opportunity to reiterate something I’ve been saying on Twitter for a while now. If you have never presented a conference before, make this the year you change that.

She breaks the rest of the post up into different reasons to stop making excuses and just do it:

  • It is an incredible experience that makes you better at other things
  • You will meet great people and learn about their experiences
  • Even if you suck the first time, it really is okay, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time
  • It’s great for your career
  • If you are part of an underrepresented minority, your peers need to see you on that stage
  • Your audience is actually far more forgiving than you imagine
  • You’re smarter than you think. Things that are obvious to you are not obvious to everyone else
  • It feels really fucking awesome talking about stuff you care about

She also shares a few panic-aversion tactics she's worked up over the years including starting small, working with "power poses" and a reminder to use the "presenter view" feature in your presentation software of choice.

tagged: presentation conference speaking experience opinion recommendation

Link: http://www.snipe.net/2014/06/why-you-should-stop-stalling-and-start-presenting/

WePay Blog:
Rasmus Lerdorf Talks PHP 5.6, 6.0 and Beyond
Jun 03, 2014 @ 17:34:27

The WePay.com blog has a brief post sharing some answers from Rasmus Lerdorf himself about the future of PHP, specifically "PHP 5.6, 6.0 and beyond".

Rasmus Lerdorf likes to joke that he’s the most famous programmer from Greenland that we’re likely to meet this month. Truth is, the creator of PHP is one of the great legends of open source. The software he created is one of the most widely used technologies for server-side web programming. We were fortunate to catch up with Rasmus at the WePay office, listen to his talk on the present and future of PHP.

They link to the slides of his presentation and the answers to several of the questions from the audience including topics like:

  • the direction of PHP, in particular PHP 6
  • if you did have a feature wish list, what would you wish for
  • What about backward compatibility?
  • What’s your take on the static code analysis
tagged: rasmuslerdorf future language slides presentation wepay

Link: http://blog.wepay.com/post/87335593111/rasmus-lerdorf-talks-php-5-6-6-0-and-beyond

Mathias Verraes:
Why Domain-Driven Design Matters
May 21, 2014 @ 14:06:36

Mathias Verraes has a new post to his site sharing a set of slides from his presentation on why domain driven design matters in software development projects.

In the software industry, the life expectancy of ideas, methodologies, and technologies, is extremely short. And yet, after ten years, Domain-Driven Design is still growing bigger. [...] In this session, we’ll discuss what DDD is: from design patterns and modelling techniques, to the more philosophical ideas about how we deal with complexity. We explore why it has made such a profound impact, and how to decide whether it’s right for your project. We’ll have lots of room for open discussion, to make sure all your questions are answered.

It was presented at Akamon in Barcelona, Spain and the post includes his full set of slides from Speakerdeck.

tagged: presentation domaindriven design slides akamon

Link: http://verraes.net/2014/05/why-domain-driven-design-matters/

HHVM Blog:
Hack Developer Day 2014: Keep Hacking
Apr 11, 2014 @ 14:40:00

On the Facebook HHVM blog today there's a post about the Hack Developer Day they recently held in Menlo Park. The event brought in developers for a day of presentations from the Hack/HHVM engineers.

150+ Members of the PHP and developer community came to Facebook headquarters and joined over 2000 people online for presentations by the engineers of Hack and HHVM. Afterwards we held a five hour hackathon, where the attendees worked with those engineers to write Hack code, either by converting current codebases or writing new code from scratch.

For those that weren't able to attend or are interested in catching up on what was presented, they've posted videos of all of the sessions in a YouTube playlist as well as PDFs of all the slides. If you want the short version of what was presented, there's a quick list in the post or you can read a recap on the Facebook Engineering blog.

tagged: hack developer day facebook presentation video slides summary

Link: http://hhvm.com/blog/4685/hack-developer-day-2014-keep-hacking

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