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10 Ways to Avoid Writing Crappy Code
Jul 06, 2009 @ 12:56:22

Following up on a previous post looking at characteristics of crappy software, PHPFreaks.com has posted ten more tips - this time, though, they're recommendations about how you can avoid writing crappy code of your own.

Here's their list:

  • Learn OOP and common OO principles
  • Employ Test Driven Design
  • Refactor, refactor, refactor
  • Simpler is better
  • Use Design Patterns
  • Don't Use Design Patterns
  • Accept the limitations of your language
  • Pretend you are writing a book
  • Peer Review
  • E_STRICT is your friend
  • Create a distinction between "source code" and a "build"

That's right - there's a bonus one thrown in there to help out just a bit more. There's some good tips in there that any developer could benefit from no matter the skill level. They may not all be at your level, but at least they give you something to shoot for.

tagged: advice avoid code crappy


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