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Raphael Stolt's Blog:
Scaffolding, implementing & using project specific Zend_Tool_Project_Provider
Jul 07, 2009 @ 13:24:23

In his most recent blog post Raphael Stolt looks at using the Zend_Tool component of the Zend Framework to create project specific scaffolding and providers.

Working on a project involving several legacy data migration tasks, I got curious what the Zend_Tool_Project component of the Zend Framework offers to create project specific providers for the above mentioned tasks or ones of similar nature. Therefore the following post will try to show how these providers can be developed in an iterative manner by scaffolding them via the capabilities of the Zend_Tool_Project ProjectProvider provider, enlived with action/task logic, and be used in the project scope.

He includes sample code and commands to build out the "project-provider" and how to make them "pretendable". You can see the results by issuing the "zf" command and seeing how the example methods (import-specials, export-specials) are now integrated as a part of the tool's functionality.

tagged: provider project zendtool zendframework


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