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The DooPHP Framework
Jul 29, 2009 @ 16:49:53

The DooPHP framework has officially laid their claim on being one of the "fastest MVC based PHP frameworks available" with features like URI routing, RESTful API support, ORM support and a flexible license.

DooPHP is a rapid development framework for PHP using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM, reduces development costs and helps developers write less code. The framework itself is designed with main focus on its core performance rather than the wide range of features. It is for those who need a more structured project but do not wish to spend much time on learning a framework or a new language.

Features included in the framework are things like: internationalization support, templating, logging/profiling, E_STRICT compliance and being "Ajax friendly". If you're interested in seeing just how fast the framework is in comparison, check out their benchmarks.

They seem a little bit suspicious, though, in comparison to some other numbers generated by the Yii framework project.

tagged: doophp framework speed fast benchmark


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