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Ibuildings Blog:
Migrating a dev team to an OO team (Part 1)
Sep 07, 2009 @ 18:28:12

On the Ibuildings blog today Dennis-Jan Broerse has posted the first part of a series he's doing on moving a development team up into the world of object oriented programming.

Being a trainer for Ibuildings, I noticed that the main topic of almost every course plan for customers is object oriented programming. So OO is popular and demand for it is rising. However, while PHP support for OO has been present for a couple of years still many companies that I visit are maintaining and developing procedural applications.

He talks some about how he tries to promote the OOP way of doing things and defines one of the major hindrances for companies to try to move their development towards it - time. The next part of his series will look at ways to help with this.

tagged: migrate development oop object oriented


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