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Danne Lundqvist's Blog:
Site architecture based on Zend Framework
Oct 12, 2009 @ 17:32:45

In a new post to his blog Danne Lundqvist compares two sites he used the Zend Framework for - a tourism guide for Dublin and the Swedish/English Fuengirola guides. He looks at three elements of the sites - the backend, search functionality and the frontend setup.

Basing three different sites, even though they are very similar, using two different languages gives me the possibility to try out several parts of Zend Framework. It also requires a good design both in the backend and frontend to keep it maintainable. I thought maybe some people would be interested in a basic overview of the different parts needed to put everything together.

He mentions his use of these components for various parts of the site:

  • Zend_Db/Zend_Db_Table
  • Zend_Locale/Zend_Translate for the translation functionality
  • Zend_Form for the interface
  • Zend_Search_Lucene for searching
  • Google Maps API
  • jQuery for Javascript support

tagged: zendframework example architecture


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