Manuel Pichler has a new post today about a feature he's added into the PHP_Depend application that tracks the dependencies in your code - a bit of DBus magic.
Sometimes the parsing and analysis process of PHP_Depend can consume a lot of time to finish, so I always put the shell aside and do something different. Normally I take a look at the shell every few minutes to check if the process has finished, but it also happens that I totally forget that I have started a PHP_Depend process on my system. So I need something that says to me, "Hey, mapi PHP_Depend has finished its job...", and here comes D-BUS in the game.
With the help of the DBus extension, he made a way to have the PHP_Depend process send a message (in his case one similar to a Growl popup) when the dependency checking is done. You'll need the 0.9.0 branch to get the "notify-me" command line option to make it all work.