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Juozas Kaziukenas' Blog:
Why Zend Framework?
Dec 08, 2009 @ 14:16:52

In a new post Juozas Kaziukenas takes a look at reasons he thinks you should (or shouldn't?) use the Zend Framework for your next application.

This is not a comparison of frameworks though, because I don’t feel like having enough experiences with other frameworks to make a fare comparison, that’s why this is going to be only a Zend Framework analysis.

He starts with some of his history with the Zend Framework so you'll know where he's coming from. He also lists out some of the advantages of the framework - it's customizable nature, the quality of the code, the large user community - and some of the disadvantages like it being hard to learn, that it's too loosely coupled and the fact that some components have fallen by the wayside and aren't really being maintained.

tagged: zendframework opinion advantage disadvantage


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