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Fat Models and Skinny Controllers Bring Out the Best in Your MVC Framework
Jan 04, 2010 @ 18:09:20

This new article on Developer.com advocates one way of working with the MVC pattern in your framework-based applications - fat models and skinny controllers.

But a framework shouldn't be considered a panacea; it remains paramount for you to continue exploring and implementing best practices, which will further enhance the maintainability, reusability, and readability of your code. One such best practice involves adhering to a design decision that produces "fat models" and "skinny controllers." The term "fat" is derived from the idea of packing as much of the data-related logic into the model as possible while maintaining a streamlined, almost barren controller.

The concept applies to several web application frameworks out there, but they use the Zend Framework to talk about the wrong way - putting most of the application logic in the controllers - and what they think is a more flexible, organized way to handle the code. A bit of code is included to help illustrate their point.

tagged: fat model skinny controller zendframework framework


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