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Jamie Rumbelow's Blog:
Named Scopes with CodeIgniter
Jan 07, 2010 @ 18:20:20

Jamie Rumbelow has proposed an idea to help simply some of the interactions your CodeIgniter application can have with your databases by using named scopes.

Named scopes are a really powerful feature of models - they allow you to define a clean, concise syntax when performing queries within your models - and best of all, are really easy to utilize in CodeIgniter. The main principle of a named scope is that you create a method that, combined with method chaining, allows you to add details to your query (generally additional WHERE clauses).

He shows two "before and after" examples of multi-line requests condensed down by making a custom model layer with methods containing the commonly used portions of the database calls and returning the "$this" object so it can be used for chaining.

tagged: named scopes codeigniter framework


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