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Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Three Ways to Make a POST Request from PHP
Jan 19, 2010 @ 14:45:33

Lorna Mitchell has a new post to her blog looking at three different ways you can make a POST request to a server - cURL, Pecl_Http non-OOP and Pecl_Http with the OOP interface.

I've been doing a lot of work with services and working with them in various ways from PHP. There are a few different ways to do this, PHP has a curl extension which is useful, and if you can add PECL extensions then pecl_http is a better bet but there are a couple of different ways of using it. This post shows all these side-by-side.

Code snippets are included for each showing a request to the Flickr API. Be sure to check out the post's comments for more great ideas (like streams, the PEAR HTTP_Client package, Zend_Http_Client and other request types without cURL).

tagged: post request curl pecl tutorial


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