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Ryan Mauger's Blog:
Keeping your html valid with Zend Framework, Tidy and Firebug
Jan 29, 2010 @ 19:54:38

Ryan Mauger has a new post today looking at how to combine the Tidy extension for PHP and Firebug with a Zend Framework application to keep your HTML neat and valid with a handy bit of feedback for debugging.

With Zend Framework there is an easy way to ensure that you always create valid HTML in your applications. This involves the use of a simple Front Controller Plugin, and the php Tidy component. [...] So you can use tidy for filtering user input, what about using it to effectivly clean my documents and ensure my output is always valid?

He starts off with the pieces of the puzzle you'll need - the front controller plugin for the Zend Framework application, using the Tidy extension to filter your HTML and combining the two to make a dispatchShutdown() call to make the transformations. Firebug comes in to help with logging the issues Tidy found so you can correct them.

tagged: zendframework tidy extension firebug tutorial


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