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Eric Bannatyne's Blog:
Simple CRUD With CodeIgniter
Apr 06, 2010 @ 16:50:30

In a new post to his blog Eric Bannatyne has written up a simple example of using the CodeIgniter PHP framework to create a basic CRUD interface (create, read, update, delete) for a basic "posts" table.

Last week we took a look at an introduction to the CodeIgniter PHP framework. In that example we saw the basics of how CodeIgniter works and the basics of the MVC pattern. But we didn't really do much with models. Today we will look at the power of models in CodeIgniter to make CRUD functions easy.

They help you create the basic table in a MySQL database (instructions could be easily customized for the database of your choice) and how to set up the controllers, models and views. The delete method is the only one that's slightly different - there's not a view for it as much as there is a controller action using the ID on the URL.

tagged: crud codeigniter tutorial database


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