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Ibuildings Blog:
Migrating a dev team to an OO team (Part 2)
Apr 09, 2010 @ 16:41:44

In the second part of his look at migrating procedural teams to being object-oriented (the first part was a while back - six months ago) Dennis-Jan Broerse comes back with ten steps you can follow to be sure it's the right move to make and and to help the transition along.

After reading all the insightful comments on that post I've compiled a list with 10 steps to migrate your development team to an OO development team successfully. [...] With these 10 steps you are able to successfully migrate your team from a procedural team to an effective OO team.

The steps in the process are all important in their own right - things like "Ask yourself why you want to migrate", "Make a plan" and "Make some resources available" are important for starting out but doing the work and handling the aftermath are just as important. He recommends you "Document the lessons learned" and "spread the knowledge" out amongst the team for the best results.

tagged: migrate development team oop objectoriented


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