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Josh Holmes' Blog:
Creating a Simple PHP Blog in Azure
Apr 16, 2010 @ 14:16:49

Josh Holmes has a new post to his blog today walking you through the full process of setting up a blog on Azure, Microsoft's hosting platform.

In this post, I want to walk through creating a simple Azure application that will show a few pages, leverage Blob storage, Table storage and generally get you started doing PHP on Azure development. In short, we are going to write a very simple PHP Blog engine for Azure.

He walks you through creating the project, setting up an entity for the blog posts, some utility functionality and a client to connect to the table/storage. He includes the HTML to make the "posts" submissions, a script to handle the posted request and a simple script to read them back out. In the end, you should end up with something like this.

tagged: blog azure windows tutorial


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