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Anna Filina's Blog:
Doctrine Translation in leftJoin()
Apr 26, 2010 @ 16:39:33

In a recent post to his blog Anna Filina looks at internationalization in Doctrine and how Symfony auto-builds things to take care of it for you.

If you use Doctrine, then you probably know how lazy loading can hurt your performance. I carefully craft every query to everything that I need in one shot, but only what I need. One thing that evaded me at first was the i18n part. I am pleased with the way Doctrine + symfony magically creates all my models and database tables with i18n support.

She talks a bit about the internationalization (i18n) support is put into the schema.yml file and the bit of confusion she had over how to handle a left join using its structure. The key lies in the Translation relationships.

tagged: doctrine translation left join i18n internationalization


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