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Webcast: Making PHP faster on IIS
May 15, 2010 @ 03:17:43

On the php|architect blog there's a new post with the recording of the webcast from Ruslan Yakushev and Mark Brown of Microsoft talking about increasing PHP performance on IIS.

In this session Mark Brown and Ruslan Yakushev will talk about the work being done at Microsoft to increase the performance of PHP applications on Windows and IIS. This includes some recent advancements with the FastCGI module that enables PHP to run on Windows and IIS as well as soon to be released WinCache 1.1 that is going even further to provide PHP applications exceptional performance on the Windows and IIS platform.

You watch it right in the page or you can download the mp4 file and watch it whenever.

tagged: webcast iis windows performance ruslanyakushev markbrown


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