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I Am Learning PHP Blog:
Do Web-Scripting Languages Really Need OOP?
Jul 26, 2010 @ 18:51:33

On the I Am Learning PHP blog today there's a new post asking if web scripting languages really need object-oriented functionality or not:

The object-oriented revolution has not been without controversy. [...] Still, there's no doubt that the revolution has largely succeeded. Most of the popular programming languages in use today are either fully object-oriented or have object-oriented extensions. [...] We feel that the benefits of OOP for 'major' (that is, compiled) programming languages like Java and C++ are clear. On the other hand, we feel that the benefits of OOP for scripting languages (like Perl and PHP) are less obvious and are most debatable in the case of Web-scripting (PHP).

They go one to explain some of their reasoning including the differences between scripting languages and others and how OOP has been implemented on the scripting side. They point out some good things about OOP in PHP but still think it's "tradeoffy" for some of the problems with it.

tagged: opinion scripting language oop compare


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