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Oracle Technology Network:
Integrate PHP & Java Applications w/Oracle WebLogic Server & Zend Server
Aug 04, 2010 @ 13:16:50

As is mentioned in this new post to the Zend Developer Zone today, Oracle has released a new article on their Technology Network about getting PHP and Java applications to work together via the Oracle WebLogic Server and Zend Server.

Whether you're experienced in Java, or PHP, or both, the ability to integrate these two development environments together is a "best of both worlds" scenario for enterprise Web application developers. [...] Zend Server, a high-performance, enterprise-ready PHP stack that runs on both Windows and Linux and that comes with a built-in "Java bridge" to connect PHP with JEE applications and services. This article will tell you more, demonstrating just how simple it is to use Zend Server to connect PHP applications with Java classes deployed on Oracle WebLogic middleware.

They talk about the Java bridge that comes with Zend Server - how to install it and make it active - as well as including some code showing how to access a sample Java class via a new Java object. They also show how to access custom Java classes and how to work with an enterprise JavaBeans server.

tagged: java oracle tutorial zendserver javabridge integrate


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