Cal Evans has posted a sort of lighthearted beginners guide to some of the terms that those outside the software development industry might not know - five terms with their explanations.
When I venture out into the real world, the one not populated with developers, I get a lot of strange looks and odd stares when I talk. Apparently there are a lot of people out there who don’t grok grep, have never been slashdotted, and can’t tell a brown number from a WAG. [...] Today I am going to share five of our more colorful terms from the software development DSL.
Some of the terms are well-known outside of the software development world like "yak shaving", "bike shedding" and "dogfooding" but there's one unique to the PHP community - being "Rasmused"...having less people in your talk's crowd because of a talk from someone more popular at the same time (Cal explains it better).