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Testing with the Zend Framework: How to Get Started
Sep 30, 2010 @ 15:53:06

On PHPBuilder.com today there's a new tutorial from Jason Gilmore about working with Zend Framework applications and how to test its functionality with the help of a library he's created.

Thankfully, the software community has put a great deal of time and effort into developing automated testing approaches. In fact, most Web frameworks incorporate a native testing solution that can be used to test a wide variety of website attributes and behaviors. One such framework, the Zend Framework, integrates the de facto PHP testing solution PHPUnit (introduced in an earlier PHPBuilder.com article).

He shows some first steps of testing an "About" controller and that you end up on the right action - "index". After that he gets a bit more complex with a test on a form complete with POST information to ensure that the user is either redirected to the user's profile page or back to the login form.

tagged: zendframework unittest functional tutorial


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