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Leszek Stachowski's Blog:
php anachronic coding standards
Oct 18, 2010 @ 18:46:27

In a new post to his blog Leszek Stachowski wonders about a coding convention that's still widely used when it comes to private methods in a class - the underscore prefix.

The question which comes instantly to my mind is: why? Is there any reason why this convention should be kept when PHP object oriented programming has gone a long way since PHP 4 (when there was no access modifiers and such underscore was the only fast way to distinguish public from, hmm, not public methods and properties) ? Are, for instance (as one of major OOP languages), Java coding standards pushing towards such naming convention? No!

He, like many other developers, are pushing to drop this kind of convention as an outdated reminder of the PHP4 days when "private" didn't exist in the language. Scope modifiers have done away with the need for that underscore completely.

tagged: coding standard private method underscore opinion


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