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Multiple File Uploads with XHR and PHP
Oct 26, 2010 @ 15:08:53

New on ProDevTips.com there's a quick tutorial that includes a snippet of code showing you how to upload larger images with the help of HTML5 and this Ajax uploder.

So the jQuery / Flash multiple file uploader has not really been working when it comes to heavy duty stuff "Flash player has crashed" is a common scenario after some six < 2MB pictures, problem is, it needs to be able to handle up to 50 of them. Therefore I decided to check out the HTML5 alternatives and eventually found a really good one. I did have to make some modifications to make the solution fit with my own scenario and I detail them below.

He talks about some minor modifications he made to the code (like adding in watermarks) and includes the code for the new "uploadImages()" function that will handle the upload, build a thumbnail and output a result to send back to the uploader for a pass or a fail on the status.

tagged: multiple file upload tutorial html5 ajax


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