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Aaron McGowan' Blog:
Geocoding search terms with Bing Maps
Nov 17, 2010 @ 18:28:40

Aaron McGowan has a new post to his blog that looks at the work he's done interfacing with the Bing Maps API to do some geocoding for Emitter.ca.

One of the key features which was required for Emitter.ca, was the ability to geocode search terms like street addresses, cities, and postal codes, that a user enters so that Emitter.ca could easily return facilities that are nearby. To do this, we leveraged Bing Maps's API for performing the Geocode lookup. Microsoft offers a variety of APIs for allowing your application to interact with Bing Maps, however, for Geocoding search terms, we utilized Bing's SOAP API.

He shares the class he uses to pull the information out of the Bing Maps SOAP response and push the details into the properties of a class. The simpel class made interfacing with the API an easy task and allowed for string-based lookups on just about anywhere (like "Toronto, Ontario").

tagged: geocode search bing maps soap api


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